Healthy Living – Preparing for an Organic Pregnancy Part 5

Making a Maternity Wardrobe

If you are already familiar with our blog post ‘Green Living Pesticide Free,’ then you are well-informed about the corruption that is eating away the conventional cotton industry. From jeopardizing the health and lives of farm and factory workers, to destroying the environment and wildlife inhabiting it, conventional cotton wreaks havoc on ourselves and planet in a number of different ways. However, the destruction does not only reach so far as the workers and the surrounding land. It could also reach into your own home, and touch your very family. From color dyes to insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides, chemicals used in fabric can make or break an organic lifestyle.  

This goes double for women who are either currently expecting or thinking about bringing new life into their home and family. Never has your body been so important, as it provides a vessel for development for the infant growing with in. Everything that an expectant mother applies to her skin or ingests affects the course of the pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby. This even extends to the clothes you wear. You may not realize it, but many of the chemicals used on conventional cotton crops may soak into your skin, and eventually reach your baby. So, since you are already on a roll with selecting your new maternity wardrobe, take a look at clothing options made with organic cotton to put the finishing touches on your organic pregnancy.


Why You Should Watch What You Wear 

You probably never thought about the amount of toxins that could potentially remain in your cotton clothes, even after it has been processed and woven into that nice t-shirt you wore the other day. However, cotton crops attract a massive amount of insects and other pests, using up to twenty-five percent of the world’s insecticide. This means that whenever you slip on those favorite blue jeans or stick your feet into your socks, your skin may well be coming into contact with pesticide residue, even though much of residue can be processed out. Now that you are pregnant, and thinking about changing your wardrobe to fit your body’s growing needs, it is a perfect time to switch around shopping methods and go organic with your new closet choices.

Fluometuron is an example of one of the many herbicides used on cotton crops. It works by prohibiting a weed’s ability to photosynthesize sunlight into energy, with a leftover rate of reactivity for up to five months after exposure. Most people commonly experience exposure to this chemical by absorbing it through the skin. Animal studies have linked it to skin sensitivity that may result in a burning sensation. Similar studies have also linked it to organ system toxicity and reproductive problems for rabbits during pregnancy. The rabbits reabsorbed fetuses back into their bodies, and had difficulty achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. It also interrupted the synthesis of DNA in the testicles of mice. While no studies have been conducted on humans regarding these effects, one can easily deduce that fluometuron is a substance to limit exposure of, especially during pregnancy.

Phorate has a high toxicity, and is often used to control insects that suck or bite plants as a means of ingestion. As an organophosphate, it inhibits the function and travel the enzyme cholinesterase. Phorate binds  to this enzyme, and prevents it from breaking down properly in the body. It causes general symptoms of weakness, sweating, and muscle twitching. The symptoms are related to how much the sufferer was exposed to, or how much he or she ingested. More severe symptoms include convulsions, nausea, vomiting, and less control over urination and defecation.

Dimethipin works as an herbicide to keep weeds under control in cotton fields, and has been labeled as potentially carcinogenic for humans. Long term exposure to this chemical can result in the heightened toxicity of the kidneys, lungs, and liver. The part of the human population at the highest risk for toxicity from this pesticide includes infants. The states that use it the most include Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi.

Glyphosate is one of the most recognized and feared of all herbicides in the organic community. Produced by Monsanto, it can cause mild to moderate skin irritation, depending on the formula the skin is exposed to. If you are exposed to glyphosate before you conceive the baby, or close to the time of this event taking place, then it can heighten the risk of miscarriage. Some studies also show that it can potentially curb sperm production. Also, even while the potential for skin irritation is slim to none with this ingredient, evidence suggests that farmers who wore gloves while handling it had less glyphosate in their urine compared to farmers who did not wear gloves. This suggests that skin absorption could make a dramatic difference, whether detected or not.


What You Gain with Organic Cotton

While many of the pesticides used to keep cotton crops in check will end up getting filtered or cleansed out of the cotton, some residues do continue to linger. These residues can cause problems for infants and pregnant women alike, since both baby skin and the skin of an expectant mother is highly sensitive and may react to or absorb nearly anything that remains in contact with it for long amounts of time. Your skin may absorb any residues through its pores, causing the pesticides to flow through your veins, eventually reaching the fetus. Even once you give birth, you may want to continue using organic clothing as pesticides can be found at detectable levels in breast milk.

Thus, you benefit from organic cotton by protecting your growing baby from making contact with pesticides and residues. Plus, you could potentially save your body some stress as well, since a layer of toxins will not constantly cover your skin. The fewer toxins your developing baby comes into contact with, the less likely it is to develop immune deficiencies or allergies later on in life. Plus, since many of synthetic chemicals have been linked to a number of developmental issues in children. This means by opting for organic cotton during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and to dress your child in during the early years of life, you enhance the health of both yourself and your baby. Plus, you help ensure the future of our planet and farm or factory workers as well.


A Perfect Fit with Face Naturals

Let face naturals help to guide you in building up your organic home. Whether you are just starting a new family of your own or shifting your already established family into a new way of living, we want to provide you with the resources and knowledge to make educated decisions for yourself and your family members. The key to creating vibrance and health in the home lies within keeping as many of these insidious chemicals out of the products you purchase, and with the winding twists and turns of today’s commercial market, a little help and guidance goes a long way. From making better nutritional decisions, to halting synthetic chemicals in housekeeping, to switching out your skincare routine, face naturals has a blog post that will speak to you.

Are you interested in our products, but are unsure of how to get started? Contact us with information about your skin, what you wish to accomplish, and which of our products interests you. We will guide you toward options that will optimize your skincare routine for the better. With organic botanicals artisan-crafted into a formula designed to heal and refine your individual skin’s condition, face naturals can help you get that glowing complexion back! Plus, if you create an account with us, you can reap the benefits of Reward Points, coupon codes, and other promotions so that you can save on your favorite natural skincare. Follow us on Google Plus, Twitter, and Facebook for further updates on products and blog posts.



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