Heal Hormonal Acne to Health

Send Your Hormonal Acne on a Permanent Hiatus

Many grown women struggle with acne, wondering why it did not disappear after their teenage years and marveling at how stubborn the blemishes can be. The embarrassing, painful blemishes appear either at a certain time each month or linger on like unwanted guests. Just when you thought your skin problems should have started clearing up, you discover that they are actually getting worse. You may have started to notice the changes in your skin during your early twenties, and started using a multitude of acne products in an attempt to stave off the blemishes, or at least curb their frequency and stubbornness – all to no avail. It feels like a futile effort. However, up to forty five percent of women aged twenty one to twenty six combat this same skin condition.

Even if you find yourself surrounded by women or images of celebrities with seemingly flawless skin or only one or two pimples every now and again, you are not alone in your acneic struggles. What you experience may not be as simple as an acneic skin condition. Instead, it could be a more complex issue that needs a little more time and tenderness than your typical acneic concerns. It is a condition called hormonal acne, which often leaves many grown women baffled and frustrated – including the writer of this very article. Hormonal acne is one of the most difficult skin conditions to tackle, but, no matter how many products have failed you, we know of ways to help you manage it for a clearer, cleaner appearance. Read on to find out the symptoms of this condition, and what you can do to keep it in check.


Diagnosing a Hormonal Skin Condition

Hormonal acne is unique from typical acne in a number of different ways. It occurs because of imbalances from within your body. Most acne occurs due to outer stimuli, such as using the wrong products, allergic reaction, exposure to debris, or other external factors. Hormonal acne occurs because of overproduction of the hormones called androgens, which, along with testosterone, stimulate oil production in the sebum glands. This will trap bacteria inside of the pore, causing the immune system to respond by making the area of skin become inflamed as a measure of attempting to expel the offending debris.

This is what makes hormonal acne tricky, since many women will turn to conventional products that control an oily surface. However, this only treats the epidermal surface, not the layers of skin beneath. Plus, most of this type of product is too harsh, as hormonal acne is highly sensitive and reactive. Just because it takes the form of an oil problem does not mean that it will respond well to abrasive forms of skin care. Such products will actually dry out the skin, making the initial issue even worse. Plus, you may find that your acne does not heal from using these products. They only make a bad problem worse.

In addition to having negative responses to most conventional methods of acne treatment, hormonal acne has some other distinctive qualities. It will typically occur or get worse during a certain part of the month, as it is affected by the amount of certain hormones produced in the body. Some women find that it occurs during their menstrual cycle. Others have it before or after. The blemishes generally take a cystic form, and become inflamed and painful without even touching it. They are also more likely to produce scars, especially when not treated correctly. Usually, they occur in the area below the cheekbones, lining the mouth, jawline, and chin. If you find that your skin situation matches this description, then you more than likely struggle with hormonal acne.


Healing Hormonal Acne

Despite the stubborn resistance that this condition exhibits, you still have some natural options that actually make the condition better over time. All you need is a little extra sensitivity and caution when approaching a solution. You may have painful, inflamed acne that stubbornly resists most treatment options, but you will still want to avoid harsh products that will only make the matters worse. Avoid habits like picking at the blemishes or popping them, as this could lead to scarring as well. We have some suggestions that may help you navigate your skin more easily, along with some product suggestions that will effectively eliminate difficult breakouts over time. I have struggled with hormonal acne for three or four years, with no real way to get rid of it. Only when I started using the following products about nine months ago did it start to heal and become less severe over time – although I saw results within a few weeks.

Begin with a facial cleanser that works with your sensitive skin, instead of against it. The Hibiscus Facial Cleanser works as an astringent and exfoliant that provides your skin with nourishing amino acids. It gently decongests pores by eliminating dead skin and sebum from the affected area. Plus, it has plenty of antioxidants that will relieve the inflammation and pain from blemishes. It will not further irritate the problem or cause more eruptions, like some products do. Instead, it offers oil control, cleansing, and astringency to keep the skin clean and free of debris. Plus, it can boost your anti-aging routine, no matter what age you are. Hibiscus extract works as a natural form of Botox for your skin, encouraging collagen and elastin production.

Next, you will need a suitable toner. For the average hormonal skin, try the Rose Geranium Hydrosol. It balances out oily and dry areas, and stabilizes secretion production due to hormone imbalances. It also helps maintain a healthy level of moisture, without overly hydrating the skin. As an anti-inflammatory, it soothes the irritation associated with the cystic, painful blemishes that stubbornly cling to your chin and jawline. It also doubles in making the skin tone appear more even, as it polishes scars back to the brighter color of the rest of the complexion. For a bonus, it can even offer some sun protection to save your skin from UV damage that could show up later down the road.

Hormonally reactive skin needs a good regimen to maintain proper moisturization, inclusive of both a daytime and nighttime moisturizer. The Balance Daily Moisturizer contains organic sweet orange essential oil, which balances oil production, brightens scars and uneven toning, and improves cell renewal to keep acneic blemishes at bay. The organic apricot kernel oil will leave a layer of light moisturization while relieving redness and irritation at the site of the blemishes. The other oils used in the formula work synergistically to enhance this blend’s functions, without leaving a filmy residue or causing further reaction. For a nighttime moisturizer, we recommend organic cold-pressed flax seed oil. This oil encourages an improved rate of epidermal healing, while nourishing the complexion with anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids. As a thicker application, it is best to use it at night to avoid a film of oil across your face during the daytime as you interact with others.


Heal Your Skin’s Health with Face Naturals

We understand that many key factors play into the way our skin reacts to a product or ingredient. Face naturals wants to help you navigate your skincare by providing you with information and products that will help you gage what will work best for your skin. Contact us with information about your skin type, what you wish to accomplish, and which of our products interest you. We will offer product recommendations, along with reading material that contains tips and tricks on how to bring out your own naturally beautiful glow. Discover the endless possibilities for perfecting your beauty regimen using organic botanicals and patience as your two go-tos. Your face naturals family looks forward to helping you transition into a healthier lifestyle both in skincare and beyond.

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