Tag Archives: vitamins

Carrots, it’s what’s for dinner!

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You don’t need to be Bugs Bunny to appreciate the health benefits of carrots!  Naturally sweet, these crunchy root veggies are bursting with protective antioxidants, vitamins (A, B6, C, E), and critical trace minerals (potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese).

Hemp – Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse

After years and years of dispute and disagreement, many Americans finally seem to be coming to a common conclusion on hemp – for industrial, medicinal, and dietary purposes. After years of demonization through governmental propaganda spreading false messages of addiction and gang violence, studies conducted by doctors and medical facilities show conclusions that shed light on the healing reality of hemp and its wide range of uses in reference to human health.

Fall in Love with Liquid Gold

As the leaves start turning bright, crisp colors and the temperature moves down to a chill, a few seasonally symbolic images come to mind for most people. The deep, rich colors of autumn mingle with aromas of potent spices and herbs. Everyone starts participating in fun fall activities like high school football games, drinking hot beverages, and carving pumpkins into jack o’ lanterns. Whenever you decide to put that toothy grin on your pumpkin this Halloween, think about the health benefits that this American squash can provide you as you clean out the seeds.

The Radiant Beauty Of Rosemary

Organic rosemary blesses the body with a combination of health benefits for the mind, body, and appearance! That is why we are so excited to introduce rosemary as today’s ingredient spotlight. Used as an ingredient in around fifty four of our face naturals products, rosemary goes the extra mile in improving the health of multiple skin conditions. We wanted to share with you the reasons behind our usage of this highly versatile plant, and why we want to celebrate it with this post.

The Beauty of Carrot Seed Oil

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Caress Your Complexion with Organic Carrot Seed Oil

We pride ourselves on using products that turn our ingredient list into a cornucopia of skin-care creations, with organic botanicals extracted from vegetables, fruits, and spices. That is why we are happy to feature organic carrot seed oil in our ingredient spotlight! We use organic carrot seed oil in our products due to the full range of benefits it offers the skin. The benefits do not stop there, and you can do your whole body a healthy favor by tapping into the best-kept secret we share with our readers.


Cash In On Organic Clove

Classy Skincare with Organic Clove

We artisan-craft all of our products from natural botanical ingredients – organic clove among them. However, its uses extend beyond skincare, as it appears in recipes, aromatherapy, and other sources of spicy goodness. Since it is one of the more commonly known herbs lining grocery store shelves, many individuals seek to better understand its benefits and how they can employ this spice into their daily lives. With so many purposes and abilities, we gave this super spice its place among the ingredient highlights. Clove’s capabilities stretch far beyond offering a sharply sweet aroma and a stage-stealing ingredient in some of our skincare products. 

Healthy Living – Preparing for an Organic Pregnancy 2

Meal Mastering Mom-To-Be

Women receive lots of advice from other women and doctors about what they should and should not put in their bodies during pregnancy. A healthy baby comes from not just from a healthy body, but from a mother that makes good nutritional decisions. The body starts making some major changes as the fetus grows as a means of accommodating its ever changing needs. Since your body is fueling the growth for the new arrival, making necessary changes will prove highly beneficial. Of course, the obvious changes come to mind: quitting smoking, eschewing alcohol, and eating healthier. It is even recommended that women who want children should prepare months before conception to ensure that any harmful substances lingering in the tissues have time to be metabolized out. These are excellent tidbits of advice to impart to a mother-to-be; however one specific key often goes unspoken. 

Healthy Living – Certifying Your Supplements

The Buzz About Supplements

A great deal of controversy circulates around the subject of supplements, such as multivitamins, multiminerals, and herbal doses. Many niches of individuals, including doctors, bloggers, and natural enthusiasts alike, argue about whether or not these products actually work. The purpose of supplements is to provide an extra kick of nutrition. Most people understand that they are not stand-ins for consuming healthy foods each day, and ensuring proper eating habits. They simply supplement and fortify what we already consume each day to ensure we get enough of the nutrients we need to keep our bodies working properly.