Tag Archives: organic

Sweeten Your Health with Honey!

September is National Honey Month! To celebrate the end of it, we decided to give you the sugary details about how a regular dose of honey can enhance your health. We are not just talking about the naturally sweet goodness that drips like gooey gold from every tablespoon. We will inform you on how to use it to maximize its benefits in every part of your life.

Organic Tea Time!

Tis the season to start sipping steaming cups of hot beverages while sharing good times with family and friends. At this time of year, we gather around with loved ones to discuss memories and plan holiday gatherings. Many of these gatherings involve a mug of cocoa, coffee, or even tea. For the upcoming holiday season, we encourage you to enjoy more tea, and experience a number of benefits that multiple teas can offer your body and mind. Many individuals still do not know the origins of tea drinking, or what it can do for their well-being. To ring in the holiday season, we give you the details on how to celebrate your traditions – with a healthful, hot drink.

Fall in Love with Liquid Gold

As the leaves start turning bright, crisp colors and the temperature moves down to a chill, a few seasonally symbolic images come to mind for most people. The deep, rich colors of autumn mingle with aromas of potent spices and herbs. Everyone starts participating in fun fall activities like high school football games, drinking hot beverages, and carving pumpkins into jack o’ lanterns. Whenever you decide to put that toothy grin on your pumpkin this Halloween, think about the health benefits that this American squash can provide you as you clean out the seeds.

Pomegranate Perfection

Organic pomegranates lay in crates awaiting purchase at local grocery stores, the full fruits supple and round – ready for eating! Autumn marks the season of the pomegranate fruit, one of the juiciest, most attractive foods available on the market. So, to celebrate what pomegranate does for us and our products, we put together a portrait of what pomegranate perfection really means for you!

Fruit of Paradise – Grapefruit!

Many people are very familiar with this fruit – the tart, citrusy burst of its juice, the glittering brilliance of its aroma, and the appealing lushness of its pulp. The grapefruit holds a place in the hearts of many people who are insistent on good, quality health. Grown in semi-tropical states like Florida, the grapefruit comes into season during the fall, proving that Autumn is not just for apples.

The Radiant Beauty Of Rosemary

Organic rosemary blesses the body with a combination of health benefits for the mind, body, and appearance! That is why we are so excited to introduce rosemary as today’s ingredient spotlight. Used as an ingredient in around fifty four of our face naturals products, rosemary goes the extra mile in improving the health of multiple skin conditions. We wanted to share with you the reasons behind our usage of this highly versatile plant, and why we want to celebrate it with this post.

Monsanto’s Madhouse of Poisons

Monsanto’s Origins

Ever since its beginning in 1901, Monsanto has kept a tight grip on the food market in America. Its web, at some points, reaches beyond U.S. borders – with links to Nazi Germany and the extermination of the Jews and its marketing of saccharine, an artificial sweetener with a reputation built upon lies regarding health. We know Monsanto continues tightening its grip on the American population today – supporting the creation and distribution of genetically modified foods from tainted fields right to our dining room tables.

The Shocking Shroud Surrounding Your Shampoo

When walking down the hair-care aisle in the supermarket, you see lots of enticing brand names proclaiming miracle work for your hair. Bottles bursting with color that contain fruity or floral fragrances promise to handle all of your hair dilemmas with exotic ingredients advertised on each label. Do they really do as promised? Or can they make a bad hair day much worse? And, what about all those hard-to-pronounce ingredients that make you feel like you should have paid more attention in chemistry class? What do they do?

The Beauty of Carrot Seed Oil

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Caress Your Complexion with Organic Carrot Seed Oil

We pride ourselves on using products that turn our ingredient list into a cornucopia of skin-care creations, with organic botanicals extracted from vegetables, fruits, and spices. That is why we are happy to feature organic carrot seed oil in our ingredient spotlight! We use organic carrot seed oil in our products due to the full range of benefits it offers the skin. The benefits do not stop there, and you can do your whole body a healthy favor by tapping into the best-kept secret we share with our readers.


NON-GMO Verified Vs USDA Organic Certification


Certification Differences – What’s To know!

A lot of news buzz surrounds the labeling of organic and non-GMO products both on the market and in skin-care. Health bloggers, magazines, and other publications consistently highlight the importance of making careful selections of foodstuffs bearing the labels that signify the lack of GMOs and chemical pesticides. Amidst all the headlines, hashtags, and hot topics regarding organic and non-GMO foods, much confusion arises regarding the differences between the two labels from the USDA Organic Certification and the Non-GMO Project Verification.

Natural Ways To Combat Fibromyalgia

Figuring Out Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia affects at least five million Americans, at least eighty to ninety percent of which are women. The painful, distracting symptoms can make ordinary life a constant challenge for those who struggle with it, whether trying to get some sleep or simply getting through the day. The continuous pain ranges from headaches […]

Creativity With Castor Oil

Condition Your Complexion with Castor Oil

Today, we dish on one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to natural beauty and health regimens – castor oil. You have probably heard an old-timer suggest that you use castor oil to fix a number of minor ills, or tell an anecdote about how they used it in the old days to refine and preserve youth and beauty. Now, you can learn the facts about this oil outside of the buzz, and learn how to use it properly.

Native to Africa and India, castor oil is extracted from the castor bean by way of harvesting and pressing the beans. The oil is then distributed and sold at different kinds of vendors worldwide. Rich in vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and fatty acids, castor oil provides some top-notch nourishment for both your skin and hair.

Natural Remedies For The Flu

Natural Remedies to Say ‘Farewell’ to the Flu

You can never be too careful during this time of year, when every surface and indoor area becomes a breeding ground for illnesses like bacterial infections and viruses. Many people flock to pharmacies and doctor’s offices to get flu vaccinations or receive prescriptions to curb symptoms and contagion. Others try to tough it out, struggling through the symptoms bravely. If you want to avoid health clinics and still relieve symptoms, you can give some of our suggestions a try.

A number of different factors may put you or other family members at risk of contracting the flu virus. For instance, if you do not get around eight hours of sleep per night, consume enough fluids and nourishing foods, or exercise on a regular basis, then you could be putting yourself at a greater risk of catching influenza. These elements build up your immune system so it can more easily fight off germs.

Reading Your Rash

Re-evaluating Rashes

Rashes – a common occurrence that many individuals have to deal with no matter what their age or lifestyle. Rashes are a typical part of life, and most people will experience at least one in their lifetime. Whether bringing irritation like itchiness or stinging, or causing red areas to flower across the complexion, rashes take on different forms and often have different contributors.

Everyone deals with a rash at some point in their lives. Some people deal with one everyday, like with eczema or rosacea. Others contract it from pets, like ringworm. Still others, especially small children, experience a rash as a resulting symptom of an illness, like chicken pox. Regardless of cause or whether the condition is there to stay or will eventually fade away, we will give you some insight on what a rash is, what causes it, and what face naturals has to offer to provide relief. 

How Your Teeth Talk To You

What’s All the Chatter About?

What comes to your mind when you think of your teeth? Your pearly whites are one asset that nearly everyone in the world has in common, and they also serve as personal messengers about your health. Most people do not realize that their teeth can tell them secrets about how their body is functioning, or what kind of shape they are in, but your set of chompers often provide tell-tale details about what you are or are not doing to take care of yourself.

While teeth seem like such a minor detail in the grand scheme of your health, think about how you would function without them.